I'm back
Saturday, May 12, 2007
written by Anonymous
Hello, I'm back after 3 days.
Anyway, I arrived home at about 3PM yesterday but can't sign in here since I'm in a serious hang over (may tama pa ako) so I decided to come back here today.
Now, I've decided to keep the admin powers to Gabesmom and Pet permanently as they were active on the past few days.
That's all for today.
Anyway, I created a new Tagalog blog, the
Crazy Drunk Guy.
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The Long Plane Ride
Friday, May 11, 2007
written by gabesmom
What was I thinking? I was on the plane headed to Chicago. I was looking through the window, thinking of what the future holds for me. Will I find a better life in a foreign country? Is it worth leaving the family and friends who love me? Did I make the right choice? Part of me wanted to go back and the other part insisted that it would be fun and exciting.
A few hours after takeoff, the flight attendant comes to check on me. I was getting hungry. She said they will be serving the midday meal shortly. "Good," I said to myself, "that will keep me occupied for about an hour". I can take a nap before mealtime. Then maybe another nap after. Sixteen more hours to go. I had to walk around or else my legs will go to "sleep". So I paced back and forth the aisle, noticing that everyone else seemed content to mind their own business.
It felt like a lifetime before the pilot announced that we were ready for landing. We finally made it. A former high school classmate of my mom is going to pick me up. "Now, how am I supposed to recognize her?", I asked myself while getting out of the plane. "I have never seen her in my life. She moved to Chicago before I was born. Oh, well, if I don't find her, I'll just go back home. That sounds like a good plan. "
I got my suitcase and headed towards Customs. Hmmmm...the officer looked at me and mumbled something to himself. He was obviously not too happy having me in his country. He let me in anyway and I thanked him. I proceeded to the gate, expecting to see a lot of tall, blonde, blue-eyed Americans. Was I disappointed! It was like being in a United Nations convention (not that I've been in one). People came in all shapes, sizes and color. Great! I wouldn't look too out of place in here. Now I wonder how the rest of America looks like.
A little background: I am a Filipina living in New Jersey, USA. I am mom to Gabriel, born in December 2005. To find out more about me and my Gabe, check out
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They sell themselves! We vote for them!?
Thursday, May 10, 2007
written by Pet Uy
A few more days before May 14, 2007--the Midterm Elections. Have you thought about the candidates? Have you completed your list? Who's in? Who's out?
Truly a lot of questions but a few only have answered. Most people I ask, even my family, relatives or friends, have not completed their list yet. Of course, it's not that we are on a rush. It's just that by now we should have an idea who to vote for and who not to vote for. It's a decision that most people are having a hard time deciding. I wonder why...
Elections here have always been similar to a circus full of desperate celebrities hungry for attention. Most candidates are all over the TV. Political ads seem to be more and more entertaining--just entertaining--and less issue-based or none at all.
What we see are candidates selling themselves:
Well, they're good at it.
And, if you ask them why they deserve your vote...
I am this, I am that, etc.
So, what will you do?
I did this, I did that, etc.
What's your platform?
Dance here, dance there, smile here, smile there, sing here, sing there.
Most of them only have "THEM" to SELL. What's good to hear and see is what they deliver. But when it comes to issues, some of them are just irrelevant.
What we need are candidates who is a public servant and has his or her issues laid out--what they want to address, what they will do and how they'll do it.
This is what they have to do: Inform the public that they're running for office because they want to address the issues of concern. It's not merely about jingles, catchy phrases, funny or stupid dances, dramatic concepts etc. It's about being serious and being a public servant.
Who do you think has the guts to be a REAL public servant?
Who has a clear plan of action?
Who do you think deserves your vote?
Labels: elections, midterm elections, philippines, political ads, senators
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I'm Leaving
Wednesday, May 09, 2007
written by Anonymous
Hello everyone. I'm leaving for three days (May 9, 10 and 11). I've asked Gabesmom to be in-charge for that time. I've organized some of the layout and I like it.
Also, we got featured. Want to read the article, it's
I'm leaving now (exactly now). I'm turning over the admin powers to Gabesmom (temporarily).
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Tab Scope (Firefox Addon)
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
written by Anonymous

Hello everyone, this will be my first post on Firefox addons, sorry Internet Explorer users.
Tab Scope is an Firefox addon similar to Tab Preview. This addon enables a user to check out the contents of a tab by merely hovering the mouse over the tab. What's more, the popup preview lets you scroll a page up and down, great for skimming a page without leaving your current tab. Navigational command such as back, forward, refresh and stop are available. Pretty nice, like the Picture-on-Picture feature of the TV.
Made a nifty list of situation in which you can find this important:
1.) While watching a video on YouTube, you want to skim over your live list of email on GMail without actually leaving the current tab.
2.) You are doing an article based on a Wikipedia entry; while typing on your blog, you decided to look on to the preview of the Wikipedia article (rephrasing is better than copy-paste).
3.) You have too many active tabs, you wish to close the useless ones but can't afford to check them all. You decided to preview them one by one saving a lot of clicks (reduces the work to exert).
Still don't have FIREFOX,
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an alternative for Google Adsense?
Tuesday, May 08, 2007
written by Pet Uy
Pay Per Click (PPC) Advertising seems to be "in" nowadays. The internet community has really evolved. More and more people have been looking for ways to make money online using this technique. There have been a couple of PPC sites that have emerged as well over the success of Google Adsense. We have Yahoo ads, Adbrite, Clixsense and much much more. But it seems a fairly new PPC site has been creating buzz.
OBEUS: The Democratic Ads works both ways. You may just advertise your site and set the price and/or use their affiliate program. In other words, once you register, you are a publisher and an advertiser as well. Here's a quick description for both...
(from obeus.com)Advertising:
Simply create your text ad, choose the sites to advertise on, define the amount of money (cost-per-click) you want to pay for the click and be advertised instantly!
Affiliate Program (Publisher):
Obeus.com Affiliate Program was designed to increase popularity of Obeus.com pay-per-click advertising services.
Note that the Affiliate Program is just similar to Google Adsense--you place ads on your site and for every click, you get paid. However, there are differences when it comes to the features between the two programs. Obeus.com allows the publisher has the flexibility to edit the block design of the ads. It also has a fixed rate for all ads: $0.1. The minimum payout is $1 and it pays through E-gold. Well, so far, it only pays through E-gold and is still considering to add other modes of payment.
For more information about this program, visit the official
OBEUS website.
***Payouts for this site remains to be seen and experienced. (Haven't reach the $1.00 payout yet)
Labels: adbrite, adsense, democratic ads, google, google adsense, obeus, pay per click, yahoo ads
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Monday, May 07, 2007
written by Pet Uy
Manny Pacquiao may have all the media frenzy in this land but two Filipino boxers worth our attention has made our country proud (again). Boom-Boom Bautista and AJ Banal recently won their respective matches for this year's much anticipated event, The World Awaits: De La Hoya VS Floyd Mayweather. The man who gave them much attention, Oscar De La Hoya, may have lost his title (still, questionable) but he has proven that these two champions have the right to be respected and be honored. Their names might not be as big as Manny Pacquiao's but these two young lads are truly the future of Filipino boxing. They would paved the way for new superstars and new champions for this country.
They're truly champions in their own right!
Congratulations to Boom Boom Bautista and AJ Banal!
You make this country proud!
Labels: AJ Banal, Boom-boom Bautista, Boxing, Dela Hoya, Golden Boy, The World Awaits
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Twelve Long Years
Monday, May 07, 2007
written by gabesmom
It has been twelve years and counting. I remember that early morning in January of 1995 like it was yesterday. I woke up at five but my mom has been up for a while making breakfast. My flight to the United States leaves at eleven. My mom asked me for the hundredth time if I have my visa and passport inside my bag. I said yes. Then she asked me if I remember where I packed my toothbrush. Once again, I answered yes. She handed me a roll of toilet paper and told me to take it with me. I said, "I'm going to Chicago, not the mountains." She started crying. I hugged her and reassured her that I'd be back in a few months. I said that once I get settled in there, I would be sending her a balikbayan box regularly. Her face glowed and she finally stopped crying.
Soon after, it was time to leave for the airport. It was an ordinary sunny day. The Ninoy Aquino International Airport was packed with people. It didn't help that I was accompanied by my mom, dad, two sisters, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin and the rest of the barangay. I kissed them all goodbye and went inside the building. I was proud of myself. I didn't shed a single tear.
It's now time to board the plane. I find myself very excited. The plane smelled nice and the people were friendly. I got into my seat next to the window. That's when I realized I won't be seeing my family for a while. I started crying and didn't stop for at least two hours. I had to force myself to stop thinking negatively and focus on the future. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
A little background: I am a Filipina living in New Jersey, USA. I am mom to Gabriel, born in December 2005. To find out more about me and my Gabe, check out
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Innocence or Ignorance
Monday, May 07, 2007
written by Anonymous
Hi! Yesterday, me and my younger brother (10) were watching the television. Suddenly, he asked out of the blue,
Kuya, bakit hindi nabubuntis ang mga artista tapos sige silang kiss?
[[Anyway, he was asking me why don't actresses get pregnant despite the fact they always kiss. (Did I make the write translation?)]]
The next seconds broke into silence. Then he asked me again. That time, I told him that kissing won't make a girl pregnant.
Do you think that's innocence or ignorance? (Comment now)!
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Added Google Adsense
Sunday, May 06, 2007
written by Anonymous
Hi everyone.
You may have noticed some slight changes on the blog layout, specifically the additional footer for the Google Adsense advertisments. Sorry if you hated it but we need it to gain revenue. It may take a long time to earn revenue in Adsense plus the fact that its minimum payout is $100.00 (which means they pay you when you have at least $100.00 earning).
Where will the first $100 go?1.) The first priority will be the domain which will be www.pinoyonthedot.com. A domain at Dreamhost (Crazy Domain Insane! package) costs about $8 / month so it'll be 12months * $8/month = $96.00
. ($4.00 carried over to the cash vault)
Where will be the next $100s go?The next $100.00 will go to the cash vault.
What will happen to the money in the cash vault?
I am planning to distribute 80% of the money in the cash vault to the writers. The share of a writer depends on the number of articles he/she created for a specified period of time. The remaining 20% will go to the emergency fund.
What will happen to the money in the emergency fund?
money in the emergency fund will be used in case of emergency (duh!). For example, if the web host demands for our payment and we don't have enough revenue for that month, then we will utilize the money on the trust fund.
Anyway, don't worry because I'm not spending the money for my personal interests. Anyway, every payment will be documented here with the proof of payment.
I hope by this way, I can attract more writers to write.
More to go, I will have to send an application to Blogitive (a pay per blog entry firm). I think I will implement the same method there.
For interested writers, read the previous blog post below.
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