Hit Counter, what are they?
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
written by Milagrosa

My life is blogging. I eat blog and I breathe blog. Blogging is practically my life. No wonder I need so many tools to monitor the status of my blog whether it be the Google Sitemaps or a hit counter. If this is the first time you have heard of hit counter, it’s that numbers you see on some blogs that counts every page view.

There are so many thousands of hit counter code you can choose from. This useful tool can help you monitor traffic on your blog and check what topic interests your viewers. It does help more than you know. They help you to decide and choose which topic you should post the next time you blog. On my other blog, the most popular post is my Hannah Montana post. So the next time, I will blog it would be about Hannah Montana.

The freeCounterPro.com is a service that offers customized designs of hit counter code. It can also easily match the color scheme of your blog as they have so many designs you can choose from. Some have wild designs and some are professional looking designs. Whatever you choose, their designs will always match your taste.

What’s best is that it’s free. So check out their website and sign up now!

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