Soon after, it was time to leave for the airport. It was an ordinary sunny day. The Ninoy Aquino International Airport was packed with people. It didn't help that I was accompanied by my mom, dad, two sisters, grandmother, uncle, aunt, cousin and the rest of the barangay. I kissed them all goodbye and went inside the building. I was proud of myself. I didn't shed a single tear.
It's now time to board the plane. I find myself very excited. The plane smelled nice and the people were friendly. I got into my seat next to the window. That's when I realized I won't be seeing my family for a while. I started crying and didn't stop for at least two hours. I had to force myself to stop thinking negatively and focus on the future. Today is the first day of the rest of my life.
A little background: I am a Filipina living in New Jersey, USA. I am mom to Gabriel, born in December 2005. To find out more about me and my Gabe, check out
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